Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Riding Solo

This morning I am up early. Brian is sleeping so peacefully, I decide to ride alone. At 6 a.m., with the sun just up over the mountains, and most normal people still in bed or sipping coffee, there is an ethereal atmosphere over the town. The only people I see are dog walkers and joggers, and even they are silent. And then, into the hills, not another person. The only sound is that of my own heart beating, air forcing itself through my lungs. There is no conversation, no "small talk", no trying to keep up with the guy in front, no waiting for the guy behind, and no guilt getting off the bike and pushing it up the hill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The beauty of solo is solitary.
You can hear the pattern of your breath.
Your beat is your own to keep or change.
The challenges and victories are entirely yours.
There is nothing better than training alone.
Looks like I have missed a lot of excitement choosing templates and such. You are being very faithful in your publishing.
Glad you had a good ride today.
- Denis.