Friday, July 02, 2010

Officially Unemployed

I woke up this morning to the realization that today is not just a 'day off', but the beginning of a period of being among the unemployed.

And this does not scare me as much as it, perhaps, should, considering that I have a very meager savings and no foreseeable source of income. In fact, though, I feel light and airy (a feeling I'm certain will end as hunger sets in:) But seriously - I feel so free. And not aimless - I have a short term plan of study in Osaka, where I'll be doing a Japanese language intensive course. And then I'll be in Montreal, where I will, at the very least, have a roof over my head and a reliable internet connection. And it is from there, at that point, that new plans will be made. And anything can happen between now and then, so I'm keeping my options open!

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